FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Northumberland County, ON – October 24, 2022 – Community Care Northumberland (CCN) is pleased to share that our recent Volunteer Fair was a huge success, surpassing all expectations. With the support of United Way and Cameco, almost 30 local agencies met and connected with almost 120 volunteers, filling critical volunteer positions that help these agencies’ function and provide service.
COVID-19 has had a major impact on volunteer recruitment and the timing of the event was even more important than ever. Volunteers are needed, and it’s clear from the turnout coming out of the pandemic, that people are ready to get involved and give back by volunteering.
CCN and our community rely on thousands of volunteers across Northumberland County to assist with program delivery, office administration, special events and more. Volunteers are a valued and vital part of local community organizations.
The fair took place on October 18th at the Cobourg Lion’s Centre, and the feedback from participants was excellent:
“I cannot say it enough…I’ve been telling anyone who will listen – the Volunteer Fair was BRILLIANT! Huge bravo to CCN for organizing and bringing to life a truly phenomenal event. You should be very proud. Love, love, loved it all! Thank you for having Northumberland Hills Hospital (NHH) be part of the fun!” – NHH Manager of Volunteers, Brooke Galonski
“Loved the community feel about it. Great to connect with a common purpose. Everyone was very friendly, and it was well organized and fruitful. The event was as close to perfect as you could get. Congrats and thanks for organizing. Let’s have these more often!” – Anonymous
“Great work in organizing the volunteer fair – our staff thoroughly enjoyed the day. The opportunity to connect with potential volunteers as well as community partners was very beneficial. Thank you for arranging and extending the invitation.” – Carol Beauchamp, Executive Director, Rebound Child & Youth Services
And on the heels of the Volunteer Fair, Community Care Northumberland has a great training session coming up for their Volunteer Peer Support (VPS) program. This is delivered in partnership with the Ontario Health Team of Northumberland (OHTN) and the program provides seniors with support to help them stay in their own homes.
Sign up by October 27 by contacting Kelly Peterson, Volunteer Peer Support Coordinator, at, 905- 373-2998 or 905-372-7356 or by visiting Volunteer Peer Support Program – Ontario Health Team of Northumberland (
Media Information
Trish Baird Joel Scott
Chief Executive Officer Director, Donor Relations and Communications
Community Care Northumberland Community Care Northumberland
1-866-514-5774 1-905-375-5628