To book a ride, please call



Community Care Northumberland is providing free transportation for community members to attend their COVID-19 vaccine appointments. If you’ve booked your COVID-19 vaccine appointment and require transportation to attend a vaccine clinic, please call 1-866-768-7778 to register and request a ride.

Community Care Transportation

Are you in need of a ride? Community Care Northumberland’s transportation program can help you get where you need to be. Whether you need to attend a medical or dental appointment, run errands or go to a social or recreational activity, we offer affordable and accessible transportation services that can help.

“Thank you so much for being there for us. You have helped us numerous times with transportation for medical and surgery appointments. Do not know what we would do without your assistance!”

Accessible Transportation

This service provides accessible transportation for youth, adults or seniors who have mobility challenges or special needs and are residents of Northumberland County. Transportation is available for appointments (medical drives take priority), meetings, shopping, and social and recreational activities.

We strive to make all transportation dependable, reliable and economical, without barriers for accessible service.

We provide approximately 6000 accessible trips per year. This program is made possible by partnerships with Northumberland County, Hamilton Township, Cramahe Township, Alnwick/Haldimand Township, the Municipality of Trent Hills and the Municipality of Port Hope.

Request A Ride

To request a ride, please complete the form below. CCN staff respond to requests during our hours of operation, which are Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. You can also call 1-866-768-7778 to request a ride or for more information.

Are You Requesting A Ride For You Or A Loved One?

Are A You Registered Client?

Do You Have An Attendant Travelling With You?

Do You Have A... (Please Check All That Apply)

Appointment Type (Please Choose One)

How Would You Like Us To Follow Up?

Rural Transportation Routes

Working with Northumberland County and several local municipalities and townships, the goal of this service is to offer rural transportation within Northumberland County that is affordable and accessible. Operating like a rural bus system, youth, families, adults or seniors can use this service to travel from the rural parts of the County into the more urban areas of the County. This form of transportation may help you attend appointments and meetings, take you to work, to school, or shopping, or drive you to social and recreational activities.

Request A Ride

To request a ride, please complete the form below. CCN staff respond to requests during our hours of operation, which are Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. You can also call 1-866-768-7778 to request a ride or for more information.

Are You Requesting A Ride For You Or A Loved One?

Are A You Registered Client?

Appointment Type (Please Choose One)

How Would You Like Us To Follow Up?

Volunteer Transportation

This service is available to seniors and adults with disabilities, or adults recovering from illness or injury. Our volunteer drivers are licensed to drive in Ontario, carry their own insurance and are screened through our volunteer recruitment process. License and insurance records are updated annually.

Volunteer drivers provide transportation to medical appointments, treatments, community services, shopping, banking, grocery shopping or to social and recreational activities. A reimbursement of $0.50/kilometre for drivers’ out of pocket expenses such as fuel, insurance and vehicle maintenance is paid by the client or the client’s coverage directly to the volunteer. Volunteer drivers do not receive payment for their time – this is their generous gift to the community.

Request A Ride

To request a ride, please complete the form below. CCN staff respond to requests during our hours of operation, which are Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. You can also call 1-866-768-7778 to request a ride or for more information.

Are You Requesting A Ride For You Or A Loved One?

Are You Or Your Loved One A Registered Client?

Appointment Type (Please Choose One)

How Would You Like Us To Follow Up?

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Charitable Number: BN132198748 RR0001

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