Who We Are
Established in 1988, Community Care Northumberland is a not-for-profit organization that provides nutrition, transportation, wellness, in-home and hospice services to residents of Northumberland County. Our programs and services help seniors, adults with disabilities, those recovering from illness or injury and hospice clients and their loved ones and caregivers remain independent and supported in their own homes and communities.
We strive to be the best multi-service, not for profit, volunteer driven community support agency in Northumberland County.
Our Mission
To connect our communities to the support, service and care they need throughout their lifelong journey.
Our Vision
A community where people experience connection and well-being.
Our Values
Relationships: we enter each relationship with care, ensuring equity, respect, and collaboration.
Accountability: we approach our work with integrity while balancing the voices of the people, community, and funders.
Community: we are engaged partners and together we celebrate our strengths and respond to the needs of our community.
Compassion: we deliver meaningful services supporting dignity and belonging through empathy, collaboration, and inclusivity.
The Difference We Make
Community Care Northumberland has offices throughout Northumberland County where our qualified staff and volunteers provide a variety of important services, including:
- Meals on Wheels
- Community Diners
- Volunteer Driver Service
- Accessible Transportation
- Rural Route Transportation
- Exercise and falls prevention classes
- Arts and culture workshops
- Telephone reassurance calls
- Friendly visiting
- Personal distress alarms
In-Home Services
- Home help and maintenance
- Home at Last (HAL)
Hospice Services
- Resident care
- Palliative care
- Grief and bereavement support
- Caregiver support
- Health system navigation
- Education and training
Become a Donor Today
Our Funding Helps Families and Individuals In Northumberland County
Partial funding for Community Care Northumberland has been provided by the Central East Home and Community Care Support Services. Read our Service Accountability Agreement here.
As a not-for-profit charitable organization, we rely on the generosity of individuals, corporate partners and community groups. Every dollar you donate to us will be used to support your local community.
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Charitable Number: BN132198748 RR0001