Community Care Northumberland’s Sixth Annual Adopt a Grandparent Program Begins

Nov 1, 2022 | News

Northumberland County, ON – November 1, 2022 – For the sixth consecutive year, Community Care Northumberland will support seniors throughout the county this holiday season through the organization’s Adopt a Grandparent program.

This program spreads joy by surprising seniors who may be experiencing isolation or loneliness with meaningful gifts during the holiday season. 

Trish Baird, Chief Executive Officer for Community Care Northumberland comments, “Adopt a Grandparent has shown us what coming together as a community can be all about and how nice it is to give back: in true holiday spirit, our community unites each year, giving to those that need it most. We hope that the 6th year of the program is even more successful than ever!”

This year, members of the community who are interested in adopting a grandparent can do so by calling CCN at 1-866-514-5774 or by emailing to be matched with a senior. Purchased gifts, may be dropped off at a local office to be delivered to our “Grandparents” by our volunteers the week before Christmas.  Community Care Northumberland asks that all unwrapped gifts (gift bags or baskets are ok) be dropped off to a local office on or before December 9th.  Individuals may also “Adopt a Grandparent” by donating to this program and allowing Community Care Northumberland staff to complete the shopping.

For this year’s program, we kindly ask participants to refrain from including homemade baked goods.  We ask that you include washing instructions for any handmade items, such as scarves or mittens.  Other gift suggestions include gift cards for local stores or gift certificates for Community Care Northumberland programs, such as Meals on Wheels or Transportation.

Program Information

Patti Aitken

Manager of Wellness Services

Community Care Northumberland

1-866-514-5774/905-372-7356 ext. 104

Media Information

Trish Baird                                                       Joel Scott

Chief Executive Officer                                    Director, Donor Relations and Communications

Community Care Northumberland                Community Care Northumberland

1-866-514-5774                                              905-376-1625/905-885-0466                           

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